Police Reform Victory and Training

I am pleased to share two major victories in our efforts to promote peace, not force.  

Victory: Lynn Requires Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras

First, thanks to our efforts, the city of Lynn will require all police officers to wear body cameras, starting this Spring.  This victory is a critical step toward obtaining transparency, accountability, and justice for all in our communities. 

The road to this victory has been bumpy and long.  10 years ago, ECCO did not have any relationship with the police.  Over the past six years, ECCO leaders in Lynn have steadfastly been meeting with police and city officials, not only asking for change, but also educating the police and the White community that problems of racial justice in policing are real and urgent right here in Lynn.

Thanks to our long-term relationship-building and accountability, to this national moment, and to our partnership with the other groups in the Lynn Racial Justice Coalition, the Lynn Police Department has decided to take substantive action.  Now that officers will be wearing body cameras, their actions will be recorded.  If there is a dispute about whether a racially-charged incident has occurred, we will have the information we need to find out the truth.

Read more about police body cams in Lynn in this article in the Lynn Item, and join the Mayor’s “tele-town hall” to share more about it tomorrow, Tuesday, 4/6 at 6pm at this link.

Victory: White House Commits $5 Billion To Violence Prevention

Second, building on our local work and the work of our partner organizations in Faith in Action around the country, the White House heard our calls and this week committed to a $5 billion investment to fund community violence prevention programs as part of his American Jobs Plan. This national victory starts with local work, and we should all celebrate our part in it.  Click on www.fundpeacenow.com to sign a petition urging Congress to support Biden’s bold plan.

Training: Running Effective Research around Racial Justice and Policing

Around Essex County, ECCO’s regional teams are doing research to find out how to create police reform for racial justice in local cities and towns.  To learn how you can make a difference where you live, we invite to join our training on researching race and policing in your area.  

When: Thursday, April 8th, 5pm

Where: Zoom.  Register here to receive zoom link. 

Who: Regional team members and other ECCO leaders interested in creating police reform for racial justice in YOUR area.

What: At the training, Lynn leaders, ECCO staff, and I will be sharing our learnings about how to hold research meetings with police that not only build relationships and trust, but also create respect and accountability.  We hope you can join!

Support ECCO's Work on Racial Justice in Policing!

ECCO's local and national victories are only possible with the support of people like YOU.  To invest in our Fund Peace, Not Force campaign to transform police departments around Essex County, please consider donating now.

CLICK HERE to Support ECCO's Work for Racial Justice in Policing!

In solidarity,

Darrell Murkison, Zion Baptist Church and member of ECCO's Core Strategy Team and Lynn Regional Team